Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ghastly....kind of Ghostly

There have been many times when I have arrived home to find a light on that I could swear up and down I turned off before I left, a door open that I am sure I closed, noises I hear that I can't figure out where it came from or what made it. Nights when sitting on the couch I have sat frozen to the spot as I watch my Lexi girl act as if there is something in the next room. So once in a for all...I had to ask the question as to the presence of...ghostly beings residing in my home of 1880. I was informed that there seems to be ....not one, or two...but four 'children' present...and quite comfortable with their surroundings. Okay...I'm okay with this. Really I long as it continues to be as harmless as it is thus far. I was attempting to do the 100 step concept of creative photography as well as some further use from my new lens addition of a wide angle....and eerily enough resulted with this ghastly....ghostly view of the basement.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Simply.....Black and White

I remember when as a child we purchased our first color tv. The first show I saw on it was The Wizard of Oz. How absolutely fantastic and so fairy tale when Dorothy walked out of her house into the Land of Oz with so many vibrant colors. The world...came alive. From then and there's been a whirl wind of constant changing technology.....color photographs, computers, cell phones, dvd players, plasma tvs, wireless connections, digital cameras and every day introduction of yet another model of some gadget or another. One of today's roads that goes on and on and on. It can be overwhelming and frustrating to try to keep up with it....mentally as well as financially.
So many more ways than one...I wish for the simplicity of 'ions ago'. Possibly this is why I find I enjoy taking photos as much...if not even more so some white. It brings a peaceful serenity to my world that many days is so much needed and appreciated.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


OMG.....maybe you should get used to seeing these guys for the next few weeks. They...Teddy and Tigger....will be my 'subjects' as I do everything I can in the next few weeks to learn how to photograph 'portraits of people'. I've been asked to assist with a wedding. Now, simply enough, my main responsibility will be to insure that the main photographer takes all the desired wedding party photos....but secondly to help take some 'fun' pictures throughout the day.
I'm really excited and flattered. Don't worry about me...this nervous ... tick ... will go away...sooner ....or later.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Different Views

My house is surrounded on two sides by a village park which is used mainly by the neighborhood kids to play ball during the summer and fall plus a bit of sledding during the winter. It's a relatively quiet, peaceful park that provides me with some awesome landscapes through the changing seasons as well as some constant squirrel, rabbit and bird viewing....and of course, provides Lexi with something to bark at or kids for her to invite into her yard with her cute little, sad, needy eyes or maybe it's that wonderful wagging tail.

Currently when we are lucky enough to have some sunshine and thus somewhat of a sunset, the shadows fall very mysteriously across the park although I'm sure I have not exactly captured that mystery as much as I would have liked. But then....maybe it is all in your 'point of view'.

Actually.....I love this view...with the head tilted to the left...even more so than the one tilted to the right. Each tilt making the shadows 'flow' differently thus reflecting a different mood.

The left tilt...just adds a bit of mystery yet the tilt to the right seems to have more of a 'falling effect' to me. Maybe because of the larger tree in the forefront. It even gives me a feeling of a bit it seems......

And, of course, the upside down one, well, it gives me the feeling that I have the weight of the world on my shoulders....a feeling many of us experience even without the upside down. I'm guessing....this is definitely a Mercury Retro point of view.

A 'view' to keep in mind when photographing....the view that if at first you don't like what you doesn't feel right....just change your point of view...keep an open mind....there's a positive side to everything...if you look at it 'just the right way'.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

To Start.......

...a day with this. Need I say more?
As the years go by, each morning is just a bit more difficult to rise before the sun, to prepare oneself for a day of labor, to make the journey to that place where one will be locked up for the day, closed off from what Mother Nature has to offer....but all it takes is a view such as this to make it all worth it.
I've never been a late sleeper. Sure there are days when I enjoy laying in bed longer than really necessary....but I know when I do....somewhere...I am missing this.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Winter Wonders

These weren't here yesterday nor the day before. Now note, the temps have remained at the below freezing the 20s today and colder curiously I wonder what initiated the melting to allow for the icycle formations.

Perhaps....another natural wonder created for the mere pleasure of my photography discovery.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A 'Budding' Hope

Father winter dropped another inch or two of snowy blanket on us again last night accompanied with another dip of temps into the teens. This took me back outside today for another snowblowing challenge with the winds blowing the snow not to a pile off to the side but right back onto a spot I had already cleared (or directly back into my face) matter which way I pushed the blower, no matter which direction I had it pointed.
In the really didn't matter, especially when I discovered these little 'buds of hope' on one of my lilac bushes. The world is okay. There is hope...that soon atleast one layer of clothing can be hung in the closet with care.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Some just have to accept what Mother Nature throws your way.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Some days....things are just a total blur.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


.....we are not the only ones waiting for the onset of spring, warmer feasts, nesting grounds............

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Little Bit of Quaint

Yes, another winter day after such a refreshing Indian Summer week. The wind is brutal thus keeping us from our evening walk and again struggling to find something to photograph. A call from my BFF neighbors to let their dogs out brought yet another 'quaint' surprise right in my neck of the woods.....aahhhhh...deep sigh....deep breathe.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Grasping for Spring

We were blessed with temps over 40 degrees today allowing Lex and I to take a walk through the local park where the Milwaukee River runs past the golf course. The warmer temps over the past week allowed most of the snow to melt away, yet the river still has a layer of ice in spots. Under the snow, in the distance, the green grass smiles as it soaks in the sun...if even just for a day. Another half a foot of snowfall predicted for overnight. Run river, run....while you can.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Home...Sweet Home

I had an awesome time in Belgium even though it was a very short visit accompanied by two long days of stay there only being 3 days....cramming in as much site seeing as I could possibly do and enjoying as much time as I could with my Belgium BFF. Its awesome discovering and experiencing another world's just as awesome sometimes to return to the comfort, security, of a place well known.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I spent an entire day roaming the streets of Brussels, oooing and aaaing over the sculptures, the buildings, the gardens, courtyards, landscapes...and yet nothing matched the simplicity, tranquility of this simple moss covered roof found in the 'quiet' yard of the convent in Brugges.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Trees....We shall sculpt

A day filled with walking up and down streets, uptown, downtown, in and out of crowds, looking up to see the awesomely sculpted buildings, insides of churches, garden sculpted with statues and shrubbery, buildings built hundreds of years of ago, buildings under renovation, buildings old and new, people young and old, shops filled with chocolates, waffles, pastries and yet....what fascinated me the most....the trees....barren of their clothing of leaves, trimmed of branches to be presented as naked winter scupltures lining streets and courtyards everywhere you turned.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Cultural View

From the inside out...on to a new world, a different culture. Viewing from a second floor home to the neighbors second floor porch area overlooking the city bedded in a 'bowl' on a hazy morning anticipating the adventure of discovery....a different culture.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Bed...Well Received

A bed...I will never forget...after a trip that should have taken 12 hours ended up being 24 hours long, Milwaukee to Newark to Manchester to Brussels. Finally...I made it...even if my bags didn't.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Well....not an interesting photo for this day but believe is the only 'sane' looking perspective of the entire 'from here to there' leg of the trip.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Indian Summer Visitors

We have friends/family that have found....dead deer in their backyards....from starvation as the winter has presented us with covered grounds since late November now, making it extremely difficult for the wildlife to find food to hold them over in subfreezing and subzero temperatures. Given is heartwarming to see that where allowed, we can still lend a helping hand to those in need.

Monday, February 9, 2009


An early Valentine bouquet, an evening walk, a lobster dinner prepared at home, a glass of wine, R&R at home on the couch, warm arms to cuddle in......what more could a girl want.......

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Mother and Daughter

I don't know that there is any better bond than that between a mother and daughter. I have discovered that although....that bond may temporarily 'vanish'....hide behind peers....wander another pathway of life from time to time, it will return, stronger each and every time.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Finally after 2 1/2 months of white.....the snows are starting to melt away and the temperatures are warm enough to enjoy the outdoors a bit more. Horicon Marsh is one of my favorite places to walk. I enjoy visiting it atleast once or twice during each season as it continuously changes providing new surprises for the wildlife as well as for me. It's really amazing to watch it as it changes it's attire for each seasonal event.

Friday, February 6, 2009


Don't you just LOVE Fridays?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Why 'Owl' ?

So I've been asked, why 'Owl'? Am I fully 'feathered'? Am really intelligent ( intelligent is an owl?) Do I have 'bird legs'? Live in a tree? Eat dead animals? Well...I can tell you its not because I can turn my head 360 or 180 degrees. It's more because of my sleeping habits, I guess you could say. I've always been a very light sleeper and for most of my existence have been noted for being up late like a 'niteowl'....even though I again rise with the other 'early birds'.....not to mention the fact that I have a very deep love for our avian friends and particularly owls (although I do love penguins but couldn't particularly get used to a pen name of ...well I don't know...penny, penguin, pengy. Now, of course, owl is just a penmanship thing. No one really calls me that in 'real life'. Just to confirm....really, I'm not covered with feathers with really skinny feet and my head is on straight (atleast right now).....well.......

PS...I am not the one with the floppy ears!!!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Through the Window

I came home a bit early today to prepare for a visit from a realtor to get input on whether it is a good time or not to try to sell. Well, I'm sure you all know the answer to that one. It's all's all good. During my quick cleaning frenzy prior to their arrival, I also was wishing that I had more daylight hours before and after working hours in order to focus on this very important, and currently challenging and creative 'to do' that I have each and every....taking a simple photo. (...constantly reminding myself that daylight savings would start soon.) As I pulled open the curtains and rolled up the shades to dust off the window sills and let some light into the spare bedroom upstairs....this was very pleasingly smiling at me, giggling in joy, that I had found it....on the window....overlooking the streets...waiting so ecstaticly to be my next photo guinea pig. Mother Nature continues to amaze me.
(A black and white version)

PS...have I told you how much I am really enjoying my new Nikon???? ;-))

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


My daughter has a friend that says it is really 'scary' that I have so many of these little woodspirits adorning my home. just a very small sampling of my collection. I purchased ONE many years back that had a bird's nest in his hands and being the avid bird watching lover that I am, I couldn't resist him. And...that's it....from then on out it seemed every birthday and Christmas, I would add two or three to my collection. Today, I would say less than half my collection is out in the open. Many are still snuggly packed in a box...some have not been unpacked way up here in the Midwest. I...of course...don't think they are scary. They are all....little people, little friends...each and every one with their own name and story. They each have some sort of coin, generally a red hat, and bird prints on the bottom of their feet.
The above photo, although a bit blurry as I was focusing on my reflection in the mirror, actually seems to bring them to if they are laughing, smiling, saying cheer...for the prime photo opportunity.
My favorites are these that have faces carved into their beards also.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Winter Wonders

I'm very proud of this photo. Don't ask me how I did it. It just 'happened'. I'm guessing, those are the best kinds. This piece of ice broke off and tried to squeeze through this very narrow waterfall area and created a waterfall of its own. Peaceful, refreshing, cool...NOT...cold and icy.

I love bridges. I don't know why. They fascinate me. You cross from one end to another...and go from one world to another - to the other side of the river or lake, to the remainder of the trail, from one state to another, from city to village to town to urban to rural, county to county, country to country...from reality to fairy tale....Miami to the Keys....continents to world to another. One day to the next....not knowing what is really on the other side. There is something romantic about them.....'The Bridges of Madison County'; something mystic about them...a world of trolls and hobos, bats and pigeons ....rivers run through them...creeks....still flowing, frozen or all dried up. So many many adventures.