Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More...Winter Nite Lites

Normally, in more sane temperatures and when it isn't snowmobiling weather, I walk a trail that used to be old railroad tracks. Now with the onset of snowmobilers, that trail is closed to 'pedestrians' so on bearable temperature nights (this one being only 17 degrees) I wander the streets of my 'little village'. Each and every road, each and every side walk, is lined with snow banks. Most during these shorter winter days are dark during my walk back home from mom's. Every once in awhile, I'll wander upon one lightly lit. This one glowed brightly as the rays from one very little red light reflected off of the snow banks and lit everything around if trying to reflect some much needed warmth, promising the tree that it will keep it warm until that bright light in the sky returns to do the same.

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