Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Passion...Put aside

I was leaving WalMart tonight after a quick run to find just the right head attire for the Kentucky Derby party I am attending this weekend (can't wait to share pics of hats with you) and as I stopped at the light before turning right, I looked left and a very inspiring sunset shouted at me. The problem? I had a rider in the car with me. I have this terrible need to not be a bother to others and therefore I let my passions go by the wayside in order to not disturb ....their goals for the day, the eve...the whenever.

I'm taking this photography class online right now. I took a trip up north with my beau to his property this past weekend and was so anxious and excited to possibly be able to utilize some of what I was learning to capture what I needed for a couple of the homework assignments. The weather, of course, was not too cooperative but we were able to venture out in the misty rain on Sunday to a river rapid area park for just a bit. We had two other couples with us...one of which was doing the driving...another a bit hung over from whatever he enjoyed the night before. I had my camera...opted to leave my wide angle in the truck as this was a place we visited last year but one I hadn't necessarily oo'd and aa'd over plus it was misting and I didn't have my photo vest on so I was worried about dropping a spare lense...plus...again...I didn't want to slow people down...be in their way....make people feel they had to wait for me..........and today...oh how I am disappointed that I didn't have my wide angle, that I didn't take more time to photograph what turned out to be an absolutely awesome rapid, waterfall area.

It is something I have to get over....the putting my passions aside for others...within reason of course.
It is something I have to start planning 'my time' for. Ever since we left there...I've been planning in my head time to go back...alone....just me and my 'looking glass' to capture what I didn't capture the first time.

And so...on a daily basis....I am greeted each morning on my way to work with a sunrise that I don't have time to stop and shoot and, therefore, I am learning to shoot while driving (something I don't recommend you 'try at home')....which is also....what I had to do tonight with the sunset that I really didn't capture at it's fullest because instead of pulling over and shooting it 'then'....I slowed down on the ramp to get on the highway since no one was behind me and took the shot...in haste....there.

.....which leaves me just to continue wishing....I could afford to leave my job to satisfy this much needed creative craving of mine.

(river rapid pics to come later as I need to use a couple for homework assignments and don't want to share them elsewhere until then.)

Thursday, April 23, 2009


It's difficult so many days...working long 10 to 12 hour work days....especially during one of the beautiful times of the year....when the earth comes back alive from it's winter nap (oh...how I wish I could take a long winter's nap...or just a cat nap).......
but.....when it allows me to enjoy the magnificent beauty the universe has to offer as this wonderful sunrise (at 55 mph)....it takes away a little bit...if even just a little...of the frustration.
And.....after the grueling day of sitting in front of a computer while trying to please...just whoever.....I don't know....but when it ends like this..............

Well....to me....it's almost as good as....
drinking a glass of wine......

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Every chance I get.....every day it is as gorgeous as it was today....my Lexi and I go for a walk in the afternoon....to burn some energy (her's pent up from the day, mine built from daily 'challenges' in between 4 walls...different than hers), to ponder, to enjoy, to reflect on .....all the things in life....my life....my family's lives....Sometimes with my camera, sometimes without depending on the route I am taking....or rather whether I plan on walking....or somewhat jogging (as that is quite difficult sometimes with a camera strapped around my neck).
I was ssssooooooooooo glad I had my camera with me this day....and it is so true that this is one of the best times of the day to 'look through those lenses'....when the sun is setting...shedding it's quiet, peaceful aura across........everything.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring Flowers

I love this time of the year when Mother Earth starts to come alive after a long, silent, cold winter. It continues to amaze me how so quickly things brighten up after months and months of snow white blanketed grounds....and how so heart warming it is....and how the entire universe of life seems to become wonderfully chirpy and cheery.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I've been a bit lost in life the past couple of weeks....really missing my photo sessions.....trying to get some 'informal' training in...and still find that ....well some of my best photos seem to come as 'accidents'. This one was taken as a 'peek around the corner', without flash, turned out pretty grainy but I really like it....but then I'm probably a bit biased.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


This one bugged me for some time today. It seemed every time I walked this small hallway to go to the ladie's room or the kitchenette area or the 'accounting' room....this EXIT sign...although very still and non flashing...it seemed to blink at me. I'm pretty sure I heard little voices coming from it.....Patsy, Trisha, Patricia....Patricia Ann....you know what you have to do. Just do it. Let the pride go. You can't always be....superwoman.

I know it's true....life has it's way...of redirecting me and not always in the way I would like...but then if it did...I would be retired and spending much more time doing....this....learning my photography. But... I'm not....I'm still....trying to take care of too many other people and therefore....with my current life style of rising at wee dark hours and not returning until evening hours with responsibilities of my dog, family members, loved ones and having been raised with that guilt perspective of ....need I say....
Well....I know the sign is right....I must exit the 365 day project....which I'm sure you've already noticed. But...I'm still focused on that goal...of being a wonderful photographer...finding the wonders of the world through my lenses.