Monday, March 30, 2009


....quite yet.

Needless to was an experience. I learned....that I have a lot to learn.

It was totally worth the 12 hours that I put in to it on Saturday....helping a friend photographer at a wedding. An indoor wedding...on a cold, wintery spring day in the northern portion of the MidWest.

I sat and did a quick review of my photos last night and was totally disappointed in myself...but then I've always been my worst critic. Out of almost 600 pictures...I don't think I can say even 60 of them would be worth paying money for...but then I was to only take the candid shots. I learned that you don't do that with just a wide angle lens all night although I switched back and forth between it and my zoom. She was using her smaller lens and as it really was 'her' wedding to photograph, I didn't want to be in the way. I just couldn't seem to get the exposure right...combination of incorrect flash, incorrect lense and, of course, more so than not.....operator error. Live and Learn. I still had fun.

I'm flattered that she stated I saved her in a couple spots and made her feel better just knowing I was there to help. I did enjoy it. I do look forward to be the 'assistant' again but I'm definitely going to do a lot of learning before then. I believe I have a couple of months and the next one is outdoors. It's that indoor stuff I have to figure out.

I'll post some of the better ones to my flickr account for viewing only sometime in the near future....after she takes care of the business end of it all. I don't want to post anything until the newlyweds have seen the 'more professional' version of everything.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mr. Robin Redbreast

Is there something in this world that to you, every time you see it, experience it, maybe just even smell brings back memories?

Robins do that for me. When I lived in the Houston area....Robins meant winter to me as they migrated there during the 'cooler' months of that southcentral city.

Now that I am in the northern portion of the MidWest...seeing a Robin means spring. For the most part, they migrate south during our cold winter months...although you might see a brave one hang around throughout the colder months.

But regardles of winter , spring, summer or fall....Robins represent my grandpa to me...on my Mom's side. Grandpa used to feed and watch the birds all the time. That is one of the most important traits I remember about him. So...why not the sparrows or the blue jays or the cardinals? Maybe because to relate it to Grandpa....I remember the Robins from here. When I was growing up.....we moved every couple of years and I only remember the abundance of them here...not anywhere else. All the others...Blue jays, Cardinals, Sparrows, etc etc....were just about every where else I could be...but Robins...Robins represented my home away from....home of my parents...the one constant thing I could relate to during those youthful, less complicated years. To me they are peace, love....not to mention....fat night crawlers.

They will always hold a special place in my heart. Each and every one of them are sent my way by make me make me feel the love and peace that life has to offer.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Body Guard

He looks out over the yard....watching for anything stirring.....warning strangers to stay away....keeping his masters 'safe' ....showing his love in the way that he knows ......

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Daisy Days

I love daisies and sunflowers. I would much rather have a bouquet of them then roses. Oh I love my roses...but I enjoy them more in the yard...although I guess I do just about any flower...enjoy them more in the yard than in a vase...not that I don't like bouquets in the house...actually I guess I like flowers just about any where...but if I had to choose between indoors or out...of course it would have to be out...because I prefer to be out more than I do in.....because when I'm in, I feel I should probably be doing something like cleaning or paperwork...and I'd much rather work in the yard, digging in the dirt...moving it from one spot to another...and as much as I hate weeding...I would much rather pull weeds than clean house....and it has often been my most popular way of procrastinating on cleaning...pulling weeds...which on days when my house is clean and paperwork all done...which isn't very often....the paperwork being done.....then weeding is my least favorite thing and at that point in time....I'll find something to help me procrastinate against pulling weeds.

hhhmmmm....but I digressed I guess...hehehehehe....regardless.....daisies are my favorites...white Shasta like daisies....because to me....they are simple and ....I love the more simple things in life. This 'representative of daisy like flowers' was in a bouquet I bought at the store and when laid on the counter....I saw it reflected in the toaster side and couldn't pass up the chance of 'making two out of one'.

Monday, March 16, 2009


On one of our much needed 'escape from winter Indian Summer Days', we took a walk on a new hiking trail....five miles soak up some sun while getting a bit of much needed exercise. Although spring is supposedly here, winter stills attempts to hang on...or atleast to remind us with its lack of much 'color' in landscape unless browns and 'muds' strike your fancy.

What with winter having hit when fall wasn't even quite complete last year, there is still many signs of fall laying about under the melted snowy pathways.

I'm still learning the settings on my Nikon (or any other camera for that matter) and what with the bright sun...well it wasn't the best day of trial shots. It didn't help that my viewing screen was hard to see with the reflection of that bright ball in the sky. What with summer coming around...or atleast some sunnier days...I probably should invest in the piece of equipment that will allow that viewing screen to be a bit more helpful in reviews.

So I played with this one on my software that came with my HP Photosmart Printer and made it a bit more 'artistic' by 'solarizing' it. Well.... I thought it was cool.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

PAWS...of all kinds

I'm convinced that some of the best photos in life are so randomly unplanned, simple and sassy and a pair of feet.
Full of character....adorned with a wardrobe that can be as large or larger than that which dresses the rest of the body. Shoes, socks, boots...of every shape, size, color and pattern.
Barefoot. Crinkled. Curled. Sitting...crossed. Standing...tapping. Still.....dancing....still, so still.
Walking. Running. Jogging. Running. Running. Standing...still.
Simplistic...yet complicated.

Monday, March 9, 2009 the Snow

It still totally amazes me that after a continuous four month blanket of snow inches to feet deep...with no meltdown in between...these wonderfully fragrant herbal plantings are still green...still alive....looking exactly as they did after the first frosts of fall. A bit weary...but not giving up on life quite so easily.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Sense of Humor....for Sure

Of course, we is only the second week of the midwest where we know it is possible and it has happened, that snow could be dropped even into May....and so....we must laugh at Mother Nature's humor when she teases us with 60s and follows up with...........
dainty little icycles hidden in the pine trees...a result of 2 days of meltdown warmth covered again with rain to ice ladden branches reinforced with 4 inches of snow...

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Spring....struggles to take over. Temperatures one degree less than a record of some day ions ago reach 60 and 61 for the early days of March. The snow melts. The grass....ever so slightly..peaks it's pale green blades up....gasping for air...hoping for sunshine. Snow piles diminish. Leaves left behind from the fall remind us of how long the winter really has been while puddles grow as the ground saturates with the liquids of the meltdown giving us another ray of hope that spring...spring will be here soon. Silently, secretly....we all await.............

Friday, March 6, 2009


Winter makes it difficult to get out and find those 'subjects' that are needed to gain some familiarity of exactly how this stuff should work for important occassions that one might unexpectedly get asked to help out with...such as weddings.
Some family members joined me for dinner this evening as I await another project to be completed enough by 'hired help' to allow me to apply my creativeness to its final condition. Quietly, I attempted to find just the right settings to capture a good photo that would make me feel as if I was capable of what seems that it should be such a simple 'photo shoot' opportunity. For some reason..of course....why camera decided it would play the part of an 'inoperable' modern technology gadget and yet...somehow...I captured this 'somewhat of a neat' picture of my niece. It's interesting when something mystical as such turns up on my laptop screen. It really does warm me inside...but...maybe it's only me.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Looking Out

Maybe....just maybe....Lady Luck knows what she is talking about. Yet another awesome sunrise of which I caught just the tailend (with my camera that is). The drive in was breathtaking. The sun had an orange hue to it that I had not seen...or atleast don't remember having seen it in the past. Another ride in to work making me regret having to come in...when I would much rather have been somewhere else...stopped on the side of the a spot to allow me to capture that which Mother Nature provides that just can't seem to be captured (atleast not by me) on a camera.

And then....of course....the highlight of it all....the first afternoon of the season that was a 'must have sunroof open' during ride home kind of day. This...makes all the long winter memories be just....that....memories.

So maybe Lady Luck knows what she is talking about.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lucky Lady

The 2008 - 2009 winter continues on...seeming that it will never end...and about the time that impatience is focusing on getting us all down....Lucky Lady greets us....if even just to say... 'Hang in there. It's just around the corner.'

.....and we sigh...and say....'we do hope so'.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


This was an attempt at the 100 step creativity. 100 steps out the back the border...the boundaries of my yard...the boundaries for my Lexi. For all general purposes, she is fully aware that she is not to wander to the other side....she can't cross that line...unless I am with her...unless she has my permission. The subject of many of my photos right now being....'a different view'......I took these, as I am sure you can see...with the different focal points, near and far. It still fascinates such a simple person and oh so amateur photographer as myself as to the different views that can so simply be created. So much to much to ingrain in the creative waves to allow for repetition and hopefully perfecting other opportunities. And....a thought for expanding on this one...possibly tomorrow.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Nite Lights

I just love all the different 'views' my camera shares with me. I know I have so much to learn. I know I am really so very much an amateur at this and hope that someone out there will someday enjoy my photography as much as I (of course, without my Nikon...where would I be...thank you dear daughter for the wonderful recommendation). Maybe they are all just so simple...maybe they are all just, well, accidents perse, and maybe they do really just bore the true photographer...but that's okay because realistically...they only need to please me, myself, and I.
You may not realize how many different views of this area I have shared. This, yet another, presented itself just at dusk with the hues and shadows being reflected from the simple street lights. This was taken through my window that overlooks the park....and although I didn't think my camera would take the shot without a flash (which I knew would just reflect off of the window if I used it) it captured it picture my eyes atleast.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A 'Wider' View

I did purchase that wide angle lens prior to my Belgium departure yet I used it barely 15 minutes while I was on my trip....a result of a much too rushed site seeing trip. I lucked out and purchased it used from someone that decided they just weren't a 'wide angle' type photographer. Of course....that had me a bit concerned as to the justification for my purchase. It came in use if even just for those 15 minutes while in Belgium but I refuse to just 'let it sleep' for any amount of time. As all other lenses brings it's own point of view to my 'album' of photos. Lexi really isn't as short and squatty as this picture may depict....although....her paws and head are quite large but not so disproportianately as it seems here. I believe, in the end, that I will find much use for this 'wider' view in my future photo shots. So...I have to thank that person for...not being a wide angle photographer.